Page 209 - Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich Full Book | Success Learned
P. 209

The major symptoms of the fear are:

SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS. Generally expressed through nervousness, timidity
in conversation and in meeting strangers, awkward movement of the hands and
limbs, shifting of the eyes.

LACK OF POISE. Expressed through lack of voice control, nervousness in the
presence of others, poor posture of body, poor memory.

PERSONALITY. Lacking in firmness of decision, personal charm, and ability to
express opinions definitely. The habit of side-stepping issues instead of meeting
them squarely. Agreeing with others without careful examination of their opin-

INFERIORITY COMPLEX. The habit of expressing self-approval by word of
mouth and by actions, as a means of covering up a feeling of inferiority. Using
"big words" to impress others, (often without knowing the real meaning of the
words). Imitating others in dress, speech and manners. Boasting of imaginary
achievements. This sometimes gives a surface appearance of a feeling of superior-

EXTRAVAGANCE. The habit of trying to "keep up with the Joneses," spending
beyond one's income.

LACK OF INITIATIVE. Failure to embrace opportunities for self-advancement,
fear to express opinions, lack of confidence in one's own ideas, giving evasive an-
swers to questions asked by superiors, hesitancy of manner and speech, deceit in
both words and deeds.

LACK OF AMBITION. Mental and physical laziness, lack of self-assertion, slow-
ness in reaching decisions, easily influenced by others, the habit of criticising oth-
ers behind their backs and flattering them to their faces, the habit of accepting
defeat without protest, quitting an undertaking when opposed by others, suspi-
cious of other people without cause, lacking in tactfulness of manner and speech,
unwillingness to accept the blame for mistakes.




This fear may be traced to both physical and social heredity. It is closely associ-
ated, as to its origin, with the causes of fear of Old Age and the fear of Death,
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